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Acoustic Cleaning Systems and the Alternatives

When it comes to dealing with the problems of material build-up, we believe that prevention is much better than attempted cure.

In the context of Explosive Cleaning, it helps to draw an analogy with an everyday task...such as teeth cleaning. We brush our teeth at least once a day to prevent tartar build-up; much better than leaving it to a dental hygienist to have to painfully knock off once a year! So it is with the difference between constantly preventing ash build-up by using powerful, non-destructive sonic sound waves compared to trying to dislodge a whole years baked on ash with an Explosive Cleaning system (aka Boiler de-slagging).

It simply doesn't make sense to choose to wait a year to have a boiler shut down so that a contractor can use Explosive Cleaning gas balloons inside the Boiler to try and knock down the large, hard deposits, sometimes with damaging results.

When Primasonics Acoustic Cleaners or Sonic Soot Blowers are 'sounded' for just a few seconds every 6-8 minutes, ash can be prevented from building up in the first instance, thus helping to maintain thermal efficiency. The powerful de-bonding sound waves generated by our Acoustic Cleaning Systems do not cause any structural damage and provide a low cost, low maintenance solution. Therefore no more Explosive Cleaning and no more Boiler damage.

Read more about the Benefits of Acoustic Cleaners and the Benefits of Sonic Soot Blowers here or follow the links below to view more comparisons between Acoustic Cleaning Systems and the Alternatives.

Acoustic Cleaning Systems and the Alternatives


If you operate ESPs within your facility, one thing is sure, the rising cost of maintenance due to damage caused by the Mechanical Rapping Systems. 

It is not surprising when you consider that they usually consist of very heavy piston hammers. However, help is a hand via the installation of effective non-destructive Acoustic Cleaning Systems like our Acoustic Cleaners and Sonic Soot Blowers, also known as Sonic Horns.

Primasonics Acoustic Cleaning Systems can be installed in the following key areas:

    •   On the roof, above each field.
    •   On the inlet ducting.
    •   On the Hopper sections.

Both the Acoustic Cleaners and Sonic Soot Blowers only need to be sounded for a few seconds at predetermined intervals and, when located on top of the ESP, offer the potential for  significant reduction in operation or indeed total elimination of existing Mechanical Rapping Systems.

On the inlet duct, they prevent material build up on walls and baffles thus maintain a constant velocity gas stream into the ESP.

When mounted on the ESP Hopper section, they prevent particulate build-up and plugging of the Hopper as well as ensuring that maximum discharge rates are achieved.

The photograph below is of a Q3 Sonic Soot Blower, one of 15 installed on two ESPs of a large Power Generation plant. For more information read the ESP Case Study for this installation.

Q3 Sonic Soot Blower

Read more about the Benefits of Acoustic Cleaners and the Benefits of Sonic Soot Blowers or follow the links below to view more comparisons between Acoustic Cleaning Systems and the Alternatives.

Acoustic Cleaning Systems and the Alternatives

Aeration Pads seem, at first glance, a cheap solution for Silo discharge flow problems. However, practice may prove otherwise!

In each such application it requires multiple unit installations per Silo Hopper compared with a single Acoustic Cleaner or Sonic Soot Blower. By the very nature of both Silo Hopper 'mass flow' design and dry material composition, the discharge of these materials such as Cement, Chemicals etc, causes abrasive wear to these Aeration Pads which have to take the full force of the discharging material.

By comparison, the single Acoustic Cleaner or Sonic Soot Blower installed at the Hopper discharge does not come into contact with the material but instead delivers an unequalled sonic de-bonding force which both prevents material bridging and facilitates mass flow at maximum discharge rate.

Read more about the Benefits of Acoustic Cleaners and the Benefits of Sonic Soot Blowers or follow the links below to view more comparisons between Acoustic Cleaning Systems and the Alternatives.

Acoustic Cleaning Systems and the Alternatives

Vibrators by their very nature and location have to first pass all their vibrational energy through the wall of the vessel. This results firstly in server loss of power and secondly the damaging transmission of vibration through the vessel can result in metal fracture. Also in many cases, especially on discharge areas from Silos & Hoppers, Vibrators can actually compact the material thus further restricting material flow.

With Primasonics Acoustic Cleaners and Sonic Soot Blowers 100% of the de-bonding power goes into the material without risk of damage to any structure or Silo. We can even supply a technical research report prepared jointly with the University of Liverpool, one of the UK's leading acoustic academic institutions, to prove that our Acoustic Cleaning Systems will not cause any structural damage.


Q2 Sonic Soot Blower

 Read more about the Benefits of Acoustic Cleaners and the Benefits of Sonic Soot Blowers or follow the links below to view more comparisons between Acoustic Cleaning Systems and the Alternatives.

Acoustic Cleaning Systems and the Alternatives

Air Cannons & Air Blasters employ a unidirectional 'blast' of high-pressure air to try and remove blockages that have already occurred. That is why you always see groups of Air Cannons on any part of an application. Therefore the initial purchase cost is high as is the installation cost, in addition to the increased cost to satisfy their compressed air requirements.

Primasonics Acoustic Cleaners and Sonic Soot Blowers work to prevent build-up from occurring in the first place rather than simply offer an attempted cure as with Air Cannons. Also remember that sound waves travel in a 360 degree radius at a speed of 344 metres per second (1130 feet per second) through the air and five times the speed through solids, therefore a single Acoustic Cleaner or Sonic Soot Blower can be much more effective at less cost in terms of purchase price, installation and operation.


Multiple Air Cannons

PAS 420 on a Hopper

Read more abouthe Benefits of Acoustic Cleaners and the Benefits of Sonic Soot Blowers or follow the links below to view more comparisons between Acoustic Cleaning Systems and the Alternatives.