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Irishman's Guide Around The Design, Manufacture, Operation and Performance Of Primasonics® Sonic Horns - By Donald F Cameron

My fellow Irishman, George Bernard Shaw once wrote - 'Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire; you will what you imagine; and at last you create what you will.'

Since leaving college, I have always been both a scientist and engineer and I think that it is a wonderful combination. Scientists are generally creators and explorers of new ideas, whilst engineers turn such ideas into functional reality. Being involved in the dry materials processing and storage industries all my working life, I like most of you have experienced untold numbers of material build up and flow problems and therefore following the advice given by Mr. Shaw, I created Primasonics® Acoustic Cleaners and Quattrosonics® Sonic Horns to solve these problems within a wide range of industries, process & power generation plant and storage facilities.

I trust that you will find our web site to be of interest and hopefully then go on to benefit from employing our sonic horn technologies within your facility. However if you are new to acoustic cleaners or sonic horn terminologies, then I hope that the following series of descriptive illustrations provide a simple Irish man's guide into understanding what they are, how they are designed & manufactured and operate.

If you have any other queries, then simply send me an e-mail. I leave you with a typical Irish toast!

"May your glass be ever full, may the roof over your head be always strong, and may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead."

... Classic Irish Proverb

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