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Safe silo cleaning solutions from Primasonics


The Primasonics® Prima Whip™ offers a safe and fast solution to maintaining clean and continuous operating conditions in silos, bins and hoppers in the dry bulk manufacturing and storage industries.

With this system there is no need for operators to enter the potentially dangerous confines of bulk storage containers thus eliminating accidents.

The Prima Whip is designed to be used remotely through a manhole opening at the top. Powered by compressed air, the Prima Whip motor can be manoeuvred by one operator who manipulates the cleaning head by simple controls.

A variety of whips and cutting edges can be fitted to the revolving cleaning head to remove even the toughest materials without damage to the silo, bin or hopper walls. The equipment is mobile and can be easily positioned at a cleaning location.

The light alloy boom is available in a number of "reach" sizes ranging from 2.4 m up to 8.0 m with 360° rotation.

The motor drive is attached to a flexible hose that can extend down to 45 metres as standard, deeper on special request. This makes the Prima Whip system suitable for the majority of bulk storage and handling applications. Custom designed systems are also available.

With totally blocked silos the Prima Lance Drill can also be used in conjunction with the Prima Whip. Used to "drill" through from underneath a completely plugged silo or bin, it can make a way for the removal of any remaining materials safely from the top using the Prima Whip.

The drill is inserted through an orifice in the base of the blocked container and is remotely operated using compressed air. Both systems are featured in a technical brochure. A video or CD-ROM showing them in use is available on request.

Full Technical Specification

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