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For those clients who prefer to have some practical experience of the benefits of sonic cleaning as a prelude to finalizing their purchasing requirements PrimasonicsĀ® Sonic Horn Rental Plan provides the ideal solution.

Although our company is in our 18th year of growth and currently export our range of Sonic Horn Cleaners to over 50 countries worldwide for a very wide range of industries and applications - we understand that those clients who have been using unreliable or out dated particulate removal and material flow aid equipment or who simply rely on laborious and costly manual cleaning regimes, may initially prefer to rent our Sonic Horns, also known as Acoustic Cleaners and Sonic Soot Blowers.

Renting allows you to employ the latest cleaning and de-bonding technology without committing to an initial capital outlay. You can then at the appropriate time, choose to purchase your rental units or others within our wide range of Acoustic Horn models.

We guarantee never to increase your monthly rental once you receive the Sonic Horn and all rental contracts are subject to one month's minimum rental plus all transport costs. If the Sonic Horns/Acoustic Cleaners are returned to us, they will be carefully inspected for any damage and any clean up or repairs will also be at your cost.

PrimasonicsĀ® will provide full 'pre' and 'post' technical advice to ensure optimum performance of the units. A clear Sonic Horn Rental Agreement will be sent to you and the rental can continue for whatever maximum period you prefer, with the option to either purchase the units from us at any time or to exchange them for a different model, or indeed to return them to us, bearing in mind that rental charges are based on a per month (including part month) basis.

A copy of the Rental Agreement may be down loaded, together with some FAQs and we will be pleased to answer any further queries which might arise.