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In modern power plants Selective Catalytic Reduction systems are employed as an effective means of removing harmful NOx from the flue gas. If the NOx gases are allowed to enter the damp atmosphere they react with water to form the very corrosive nitric acid.

3 NO2 + H2O → 2 HNO3 + NO

Normally located in a power generation plant between the economizer and air heater plant sections, the SCR has a honeycomb internal structure. Here as the flue gas stream passes through, ammonia is injected into the catalytic chamber and converts the NOx gases into harmless nitrogen and water.

However within the flue gas stream there are small amounts of particulate which can block the honeycomb structure of the SCR thus significantly reducing its efficiency. The most efficient and cost effective way to prevent the particulate remaining on the honeycomb surface is to install sonic horns (also known as acoustic cleaners). They use power but safe sonic sound waves which prevent the particulate from remaining on the surfaces of the SCR and thus maintain the SCR in peak performance.

The Sonic Horns operate within a sound frequency range of 350 Hz to 60 Hz are easy to fit with virtually no maintenance. A few seconds 'sounding' every few minutes ensures that the honeycomb surfaces remain free of particulate pollution.

If you would like us to quote for a solution for your SCR cleaning requirements please do not hesitate to contact us.

Selective Catalytic Converters (SCR's)

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