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Current time in UK (GMT): 22:48

Location: Youngheung Power Plant – South Korea
Product: 24 X Model Q3 (120 Hz) Sonic Soot Blowers
Principle: Primasonics International Limited (UK)

Problem: SCR build up and blockages, SCR cleaning solution

Youngheung Power Plant is a coal fired power station located on Youngheung Island, 40 kilometres from the South Korean capital of Seoul. Youngheung Power Station had previously relied on retractable steam soot blowers to prevent SCR build up and blockages, however, due to the deteriorating condition, reliability and performance of the steam soot blowers the operating efficiency of this equipment soon declined.

After analysing the high costs of replacing and maintaining the steam soot blowers, plant personnel chose to look for a more cost effective and reliable SCR cleaning solution to the problems they were experiencing. Their search led them to the Primasonics website and our Korean agents, Artronix System Co Ltd.

The Solution

Artronix System Co Ltd arranged a site visit with personnel at Youngheung Power Station to discuss in more depth the benefits and capabilities of Sonic Soot Blowers to prevent SCR build up and blockages. They obtained the relevant application information and drawings allowing Primasonics to establish the most suitable model of Sonic Soot Blower and installation locations to provide them with a successful SCR cleaning solution.

Following the submission of recommendations and quotation from Primasonics, Artronix won the order for 24 x Q3 (120 Hz) model Sonic Soot Blowers. Installation and commissioning of equipment took place under the supervision of PRIMASONICS® engineer, who attended site to ensure the smooth transition between cleaning methods.

The Result

The installation of the Sonic Soot Blowers as an SCR cleaning solution at Youngheung Power Station saw an increase in the scale removed and a decrease in the differential pressure in comparison to the 3 months prior to installation.

Plant personnel were so impressed with the preventative results over SCR build up and blockages, and low operating and maintenance costs, that they have continued to invest in Primasonics Sonic Soot Blowers.