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Striving to achieve an increase in thermal efficiency together with lowering maintenance and repair costs is surely the key goal of every facility manager.

Achieving these three goals just got a great deal easier, thanks to PrimasonicsĀ® Sonic Horn Technologies. Simply by employing the correct frequency sound wave for a few seconds at periodic intervals results in the elimination of particulate build up on Tube Bundles, Selective Catalytic Reducers (SCR), Baghouse Plants, Air Heaters, ID Fans and ESPs.

Unlike old-fashioned de-slagging regimes such as steam soot blowers this new generation of 'sonic soot blowers' will not cause tube erosion or permit the ash to build up and bake on over a number of hours. The sound waves from these 'sonic soot blowers' envelope each complete tube thus preventing the ash from building up and sintering due to the heat. The result is a continuous increase in thermal efficiency!

The PrimasonicsĀ® Acoustic Cleaners standard range is made from 316 grade stainless steel. They are available in a number of other specialist metals where necessary, to deal with high temperatures or corrosive gas streams. A number of our new clients who perhaps had initial doubts of the success of this excellent technology began with the introduction of our acoustic cleaners within the economizer section of the boiler.

Where possible the appropriate model and number of sonic horns are installed on existing hatches in between tube bundles as shown in the example above left, or elsewhere on the sidewall between tube bundles.

By choosing this section of plant, the client can quickly establish the effectiveness of the sonic horns by monitoring the drop in temperature of the existing gas flow.

PrimasonicsĀ® Sonic Horns can aid material flow and eliminate ash build up in all areas of Power Generation Plants whether fuelled by Oil, Coal, Gas or Biomass.

Power Generation

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