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Removing particulates through vortex separation

At a Glance

Cyclone: Correct air flow through a cyclone is vital for efficient operation, Primasonics Acoustic Cleaners provide a simple way of removing material build up while equipment is online thus reducing down time and eliminating the need for manual cleaning. Whether it is build up on the vertical walls or bridging over the outlet, Primasonics Acoustic Cleaners can provide effective material de-bonding.

In Detail

Dynamic Cyclones: These can be prone to impeller blockage and damage which in turn can lead to cyclone blockages and prevent efficient up-stream equipment operation. Acoustic Cleaners maintain correct airflow and efficient solids separation by eliminating particulate build up.
Static Cyclones: Acoustic Cleaners prevent blockages and prevent material build up both within the cyclone and the associated ductwork, thus ensuring constant air flow and maximum particulate removal.


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