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In your reverse jet or reverse air baghouse would you like to:

  • Significantly increase bag life?
  • Improve the continued operation of filter plant?
  • Significantly reduce the level of reverse jet or reverse air pulsing required, thus reducing the compressed air usage and energy cost?
  • Eliminating cross contamination within the baghouse by cleaning the side walls etc?
  • Eliminating hopper pluggage by ensuring that all material exits the hopper?

Well now you can, simply by installing the correct model and number of Sonic Horns. It makes no difference whether your baghouse is small, medium or large, sonic sound waves will subject material adhering to all surfaces to a force greater that that retaining it without causing any damage to the either the bag fabric or baghouse structure. A few seconds 'sounding' at periodic intervals is all that is required.

With reverse jet cleaning regime, it is possible to both significantly reduce the need for compressed air cleaning whilst at the same time significantly reducing the pressure drop across the bags, thus extending their useful life.

With reverse air cleaning regime, it is possible to stop the use of the fan blower, whilst in shaker units the sonic cleaner would totally replace the need for the mechanical shaker to be employed.

The appropriate model of PrimasonicsĀ® Acoustic cleaner is easily installed, is fully automatic in its operation and requires little or no maintenance.

So remember, Sonic Horns (Acoustic Cleaners) can offer the following benefits in reverse jet baghouses:

  • Significantly increase bag life
  • Improve the continued operation of filter plant
  • Significantly reduce the level of reverse jet pulsing required, thus reducing the compressed air usage.
  • Eliminating cross contamination within the baghouse by cleaning the side walls etc
  • Eliminating hopper pluggage by ensuring that all material exits the hopper.

If you would like us to quote for a solution for your Baghouse cleaning requirements please do not hesitate to contact us.

Baghouse Cleaning