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Current time in UK (GMT): 22:38

Location: Columbian Tiszai Carbon Ltd, Hungary
Product: PAS 75 x 4
Principle: Primasonics International Limited (UK)

Problem: Silo material build up, Silo cleaning

Primasonics were contacted by Peter Olah, Process Engineer who was having problems fully discharging his carbon black storage silos. These silos were 8.6m in diameter and 20m in height. Peter was noticing a Silo material build-up on the conical section and side walls. The method of Silo cleaning used to solve this required hazardous procedures where climbers entered the silo to manually remove the build-up.

On the advice of Primasonics staff, Peter completed a standard silo questionnaire which he then returned to Primasonics together with a dimensional drawing. The engineering team at Primasonics then studied his system parameters before making their recommendations for a safer Silo cleaning solution using Acoustic Cleaners to prevent the Silo material build up.

The Solution

A Primasonics PAS-75 Acoustic Cleaner system was purchased for each silo by Columbian Tiszai Carbon and Primasonics staff provided comprehensive help and advice while Peter's own engineering team installed and commissioned the equipment.

The Result

The installation of the PAS-75 Acoustic Cleaner system has completely prevented Silo material build-up within the cone discharge zone which in turn has led to greater process flexibility and removed the need for hazardous, laborious and costly manual Silo cleaning. This solution proved so effective that the company have since purchased two further acoustic cleaners for similar carbon black silos.