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Current time in UK (GMT): 22:45

Location: Dowaksa Ileri Kompozit San A.S, Turkey
Product: PAS-230 Acoustic Cleaners
Principle: Primasonics International Limited (UK)

Problem: Air pre-heater particulate build up, Air pre-heater cleaning

Dowaksa is a joint venture company formed to develop, manufacture and globally market carbon fibre and derivatives to support the rapidly expanding carbon-fibre-based composites industry. The company were experiencing serious air pre-heater particulate build up problems and sought the help of Primasonics. The fine material was Silicon Dioxide (Si02) and it formed on the tube at a rate of 3.5 Kg per hour and with a horizontal process flow temperature of 550°C.

The company had two main concerns regarding the air pre-heater cleaning, firstly whether or not the powerful debonding sonic sound waves would damage the air heater's ceramic fibre insulation and secondly, if the position of the acoustic cleaners would affect their performance.

Primasonics engineers were able to reassure that de-bonding of the air pre-heater particulate build up using their acoustic cleaners would not cause any damage to the insulation and air heater structure. Secondly, they confirmed that the position of the acoustic cleaners was not critical to the air pre-heater cleaning as the sonic sound waves travelled at 344 meters per second and in a 360° radius.

The Solution

After studying dimensional drawings and material specifications, Primasonics recommended the installation of twin Model PAS-230 Acoustic Cleaners mounted on top of the unit for effective air pre-heater cleaning.

The Result

Once the tubes had been cleaned and the acoustic cleaners installed and operated, the air pre-heater particulate build up problem disappeared.