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Acoustic Cleaning Technical Advice – WHAT NOT TO DO!

The Primasonics® Wave Generator and Aerospace Grade Titanium Diaphragm are precision made items and their correct assembly and use are essential to the correct operation of the Audiosonic™ Acoustic Cleaners.

Each Wave Generator is carefully inspected and assembled in a particular way and is attached to its Audiosonic™ Acoustic Cleaner and fully tested prior to storage and despatch as per our strict ISO Standards. When tested and approved a Primasonics® sticker is placed on the side of the Wave Generator across the area where the body, special gasket and lid join. This sticker is dated and signed and this seal should not be broken by the client otherwise the warranty is invalidated.

DO NOT – tamper with the Wave Generator by removing the bolts and opening it up. Firstly it will damage the special gasket and secondly the special assembly procedure would then not be adhered to.

DO NOT – screw in anything such as a threaded pipe into the exhaust part on top of the lid of the Wave Generator as shown on the left below. This outlet has a critical design dimension and exit air restriction will result in both damage to the Wave Generator/Titanium Diaphragm and non-performance of the Audiosonic™ Acoustic Cleaner. This outlet should either be left open or if necessary a special Primasonics® filter attached as shown on the right below.